kim / noodle
she / her
b. 1999
pisces, infp
tag / en / 日

utaite translations (JP to EN)
NND mashups and choruses
fanart (occasionally)

about my translations

NOTE: I'm (semi-?)inactive at translating at the moment, so expect translations only once in a blue moon. I've been avoiding the community lately; it can get pretty exhausting when you constantly find things to nitpick at, both from the fans and from the utaites themselves, so I want to take a break for now. For that reason, I haven't been checking all of my oshis' latest updates either. Thank you for understanding and see you again when I have the energy to go back!
I translate mostly tweets, livestream reports, and instagram updates which are posted on my Twitter. Longer translations like interviews, lyrics, and official live reports are on my Tumblr.Utaites I translate for: Ayafuya, Hydamio, InvaderT, Ivudot, meychan, Micchan, mono palette. (Again, Rim, Sanbu, yukimi), Risru, Sou, Tachibana Yuu, Yukichi, Zekuro, and more utaites in their vicinity.Vocaloid producers: 3/Three, Ayase (YOASOBI), balloon (Suda Keina), Harumaki Gohan, Konnichiwa Tanita-san (Kitani Tatsuya), MI8k/napoliemon (Miyake Yuuki), n-buna (Yorushika), Niru Kajitsu, syudou, tsumiki, uki3/ewe (Kamiyama Yoh), and more.Also, if it's anything related to an utaite or vocalo-P, I also translate updates from illustrators and animators such as WOOMA, Subasu, Suzu, etc.
*those in bold characters are people I translate more often than others.


If you would like to use my translations in any way (translating to other languages, reposting in a fansite, etc.), DO LET ME KNOW BEFOREHAND so I keep track of where they're being shared. You can reach out to me any time on Twitter or Tumblr.I do not take requests. My translation activities are a hobby, not volunteer work.I don't bite though! Feel free to ask me anything, whether it's via DM or via CuriousCat, if you want to be anonymous.Please contact me DIRECTLY about any misinterpretations or suggestions about my translations. Unofficial translations are still unofficial, after all. :)

tags (Twitter):
#streamingnoodles (livestream reports)
#letnoodleanswer (CuriousCat answers)
#noolyrics (lyrics)
instagram Q&A translations

tags (Tumblr):
#nootranslations (general tag)
#noointerview (interviews)
#noolive (live reports)
#noolyrics (lyrics)

favorite artists




Before You Follow

In case you didn't check the About page: I'm not active at the moment.My replies, DMs, and CuriousCat are open, even when I'm not translating! I check for any messages every few days. I will ignore questions about merch though, so sorry in advance.I only follow back selectively. I was more lenient when I first opened this account but I've put up a more narrow filter as to whom I should follow.Sending inappropriate comments on translations (i.e. hate, comments sexualizing a particular utaite, etc.) will not be tolerated.Minors are allowed to follow, but please be aware that I have some tweets about suggestive content and tweets that use profanity.

Triggers: TRYPOPHOBIA, pedophilia, transphobia and homophobia, racism, obsessive shipping or objectifying of real people, rape, incest.I'm shy and not generally good at interacting, so if I ignore you, it's probably either because I didn't see it or because I didn't know what to say. I'll try my best though. ^ ^;If I softblock or block you, that just means you've done or said something that I personally wasn't comfortable with. No hard feelings!